13. Aizuyobi

Training Hozoinryu Takadaha Sojutsu Kata Omote Aizuyobi

In the thirteenth form of the omote set the kamayari cuts down a thrust to his maemen with kiriotoshi before thrusting to the suyari's maedō.

Both first lift their spears into a high jōdan before opening them to their left side turning them 90 degrees lengthwise as they do so maintaining the height of their spear tips. The kamayari's sickles now are in a vertical position.

On the third step forward the suyari then thrusts towards the kamayari's maemen1. The kamayari cuts this thrust down with kiriotoshi of his right sickle and then immediately thrusts towards the suyari's maedō with tsugiashi.

Directly after this thrust the kamayari withdraws his spear with okuriashi backwards.

The suyari now retreats two steps bringing his spear into yarigamae under the right sickle of the kamayari during the first step whilst the kamayari pursues two steps.

At the end of his second step backward the suyari then thrusts to the kamayari's uramen. The kamayari parries in kamuriuke.

The suyari now retreats another two steps while the kamayari pursues another two steps bringing his spear and the suyari back into yarigamae by applying makikaeshi. At the end the kamayari's right sickle is resting on the suyari again.

Finally both disengage and return to their starting positions.

1. It is very important that the suyari thrusts to the kamayari's face precisely so that the kamayari can actually apply kiriotoshi effectively. Often the suyari thrusts to the kamayari's uramen-side (missing the face) unintentionally because the thrust starts from the left side. But in this case the suyari hits the kamayari's shaft before the kamayari can apply kiriotoshi which mutates into a kind of hikiotoshi instead.

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