4. Goka

Hozoinryu Takadaha Sojutsu Training Kata Omote Goka

In the fourth form of the omote set the kamayari blocks a thrust to his uramen to his left side then forces the suyari into gedan before parrying another thrust to his uramen in kamuriuke.

The suyari starts in gedan while the kamayari begins from jōdan.

On the third step the suyari thrusts to the uramen of the kamayari who blocks this thrust with the shaft of his spear to his left side.

Now the kamayari steps forward with his right foot bringing his right hand up at the same time. This lets the tip of his spear describe a counter-clockwise semicircle that ends in gedan (the sickles are in a vertical position now) forcing the suyari who retreats one step into gedan as well.

The suyari now retreats one more step bringing his spear into yarigamae. The kamayari pursues one step while also bringing his spear into yarigamae positioning his right sickle over the suyari.

At the end of this second step backward the suyari thrusts towards the uramen of the kamayari once more. The kamayari blocks in kamuriuke.

Now the suyari retreats two more steps The kamayari pursues two more steps while describing a clockwise arc with his spear bringing it as well as the suyari back into yarigamae where the right sickle again is on top of the suyari.

Both disengage now and return to their starting positions.

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